Express Policies
Uniform Policy
Northern Express Hockey has a team uniform policy that consists of a Black Player Helmet, Black Gloves, and Express Shell. Players will wear Northern Express practice jerseys and black practice socks for all practices. Players will wear Northern Express Home/Away jerseys and socks to all games. Only Northern Express Hockey Helmet decals, Player numbers decals and Official League Helmet decals will be allowed on Player helmets. All other stickers must be removed. Players must have a black hockey equipment bag or an Express hockey equipment bag. Express equipment bags will be available for purchase at team registration. Equipment bags from other teams/organizations will not be allowed once a player is rostered on an Express team. All players must adhere to the Northern Express Hockey team uniform policy. No exceptions will be made. Payment for Jerseys and Team Warm Ups is due upon sizing.
Hazing Policy
It is the policy of AHAI, USA Hockey and the Northern Express Hockey Association that there shall be no hazing of any participant involved in any of its sanctioned programs, including Camps, Clinics, Practices, Locker Rooms, League Games or Tournaments Games by any coach, parent, employee, volunteer or fellow participants.
Hazing Definition: Including, but not limited to: conduct which is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, offensive, or physically harmful.
Any player, team official or member of Northern Express Hockey having been party to or having knowledge of any degrading hazing, or initiation rite, without reporting it or taking action, shall be subject to disciplinary action of the Rules and Ethics Committee and the Board of Directors of Northern Express Hockey and subject to suspension from playing, participating, holding office or any role with the Northern Express Hockey or any other association affiliated with AHAI and/or USA Hockey.
Zero Tolerance
In conjunction with the Amateur Hockey Association of Illinois (AHAI), the Northern Express Hockey Association has adopted a "Zero Tolerance Policy". This policy outlines behavior expectations for our players, parents, spectators, coaches, team officials, and administrators.
Players or coaches who openly argue with the referees, use obscene language, or make inappropriate gestures, can expect to receive an unsportsmanlike minor penalty. A game misconduct penalty will be assessed to any player/coach who persists in these actions.
Parents who use obscene language, ridicule or threaten players, coaches, officials, other spectators, will be instructed to leave the ice rink. In addition, parents who throw objects in the spectator viewing areas or towards the ice surface playing area in order to create a safety hazard will be instructed to leave the ice rink.
Any violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy by a coach, player or parent constitutes conduct detrimental to Northern Express Hockey as well as the sport of hockey. Violations of these rules will be reviewed by Northern Express Hockey Rules and Ethics Committee to determine disciplinary action. If additional review is required the Rules and Ethics Committee will, following investigation of the violation, submit to the AHAI Rules and Ethics Committee for any additional disciplinary action as deemed appropriate to resolve the situation.
Please display appropriate behavior when attending any Express event. The Norther Express Hockey Association will not tolerate unacceptable player/parental behavior! Players and parents are expected to display positive attitudes in the viewing stands, rink lobbies, parking lots, and locker rooms.
Thank you for your anticipated year-round cooperation in this matter!
Code of Conduct
- No swearing or abusive language on the bench, in the rink, or at any team function.
- No lashing out at any official no matter what the call is. The coaching staff will handle all matters pertaining to officiating.
- Anyone who receives a penalty will skate directly to the penalty box.
- Fighting will not be tolerated. Fighting will result in an appearance before the Discipline Committee.
- There will be no drinking, smoking, chewing of tobacco or use of illegal substance at any team function.
- I will conduct myself in a befitting manner at all facilities (ice rink, hotel, restaurant, etc.) during all team functions.
- Any player or team official who cannot abide by these rules or violates them will be subject to further disciplinary action.
Northern Express hockey follows the guidelines set forth within the USA Hockey Safesport program.
As part of Northern Express Hockey’s emphasis on participant safety, communications involving our minor participants should be appropriate, productive, and transparent. Effective communication concerning travel, practice or game schedules, and administrative issues among coaches, administrators, players and their families is critical. However, the use of mobile devices, web-based applications, social media, and other forms of electronic communications increases the possibility for improprieties and misunderstandings and also provides potential offenders with unsupervised and potentially inappropriate access to participants. The improper use of mobile and electronic communications can result in misconduct. Adherence to the Social Media, Mobile and Electronic Communications Policy helps reduce these risks. All electronic communication between coach and player must be for the purpose of communicating information about team activities. Coaches, players and all team personnel must follow common sense guidelines regarding the volume and time of day of any allowed electronic communication. All content between coaches and players should be readily available to share with the public or families of the player or coach. If the player is under the age of 18, any email, text, social media, or similar communication must also copy or include the player’s parents.
Social media makes it easy to share ideas and experiences. Coaches are prohibited from having players join their personal Facebook page or any other similar social media application. All electronic communication of any kind between coach and player, including use of social media, must be non-personal in nature and be for the purpose of communicating information about team activities or for team oriented motivational purposes. Email, Text Messaging and Similar Electronic Communications Coaches, team managers and players may use email and text messaging to communicate. All email and text message content between coaches/team managers and players must be non-personal in nature and be for the purpose of communicating information about team activities. Emails and text messages from a coach to any minor participant must include a copy to parents.
Request To Discontinue All Electronic Communications or Imagery with Athlete Following receipt of a written request by the parents of a minor player that their child not be contacted by any form of electronic communication by any parties of Northern Express Hockey including teammates, coaches and administrators shall immediately comply with such request without any repercussions for such request.
Abuse and Misconduct Social media and other means of electronic communication can be used to commit abuse and misconduct (e.g., emotional, sexual, bullying, harassment, and hazing). Such communications by any employee, volunteer, independent contractor or other participant of Northern Express Hockey will not be tolerated and are considered violations of USA Hockey’s SafeSport Program. Reporting Infractions of the Northern Express Hockey Mobile and Electronic Communications Policy should be reported to the Northern Express Hockey Rules and Ethics Committee. A Northern Express Hockey participant or parent of a participant who violates this Social Media, Mobile and Electronic Communications Policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension, permanent suspension and/or referral to law enforcement authorities.